NEWHALL LUMBER: The Santa Clarita Valley Signal Feat. Jeff Brandolino + Investment Partners.

Jeff Brandolino and investment partners were featured in today’s Santa Clarita Valley Signal regarding their recent acquisition of the Newhall landmark, Newhall Lumber.
Read the full story HERE or check out (Today) Sunday July 20, 2014’s copy of The Signal. Business Section, page A6.
Click HERE to read the full article.
Jeff Brandolino And Investment Partners Acquire Former Newhall Lumber
It was a brisk October morning. The faint smell of aged timber lingering in the air. Rays of sunshine beamed through the lofts, creating a kaleidoscope of shapes on the auction floor below. After 30 years as a Newhall landmark, Newhall Lumber was up for auction. Jeff Brandolino, real estate agent and investor, recalls the emotional wave he felt as he boldly raised his number and the auctioneer declared “Sold!” That feeling of joy was short-lived when the sellers of the former Newhall Lumber rejected the final bid.
Having felt the energy, the beauty and the industry of Newhall Lumber, Brandolino wasn’t ready to let go of this property just yet. All owners (with the exception of Jeff’s father, a real estate investor from Chicago, IL) are local prominent business men who strongly believe in the growth and redevelopment of Old Town Newhall.  Their group has zero’d in on Newhall as an excellent place to invest in commercial real estate.  They see Old Town Newhall to be similar to “Old Town Pasadena” in the years to come.  “Get it while you still can,” says Brandolino.
And got it they did — After several months of letters, phone calls and emails, Jeff Brandolino and partners finally entered into contract with the Newhall Lumber sellers.   On July 7, 2014, Brandolino and partners closed escrow on the former Newhall Lumber located at 24625 Railroad Ave. Newhall, CA 91321. Brandolino and partners acquired the Newhall Lumber yard property and hold title as a limited liability company.
Brandolino and partners look forward to this old Newhall landmark taking on new life. “This is an outstanding location and the building has old charm and character with endless potential,” explains Brandolino.
The new owners are willing to offer very favorable lease terms to get a business in there right away.  They would also consider a build to suit for the right tenant. The property is also being offered as a filming location.  The building is completely vacant and can easily accommodate a large crew and equipment needed.
To read more about the history of Newhall Lumber yard, view The Signal’s article here:
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Contact Jeff Brandolino for more information 661 964-1727.